I was getting ready to meet
March for our monthly Stitch and Bitch when my husband called me into the bedroom. Squeaker was worse. She was just laying listlessly. She didn't show up for breakfast either. So after a few minutes debate I called our vet. The receptionist said she was booked, but would be in in a few minutes and would ask her and called us back. I gave Dr. Nancy the run down when she called back and she told me to bring Squeaker in and they would fit her in. By 8:45 am we were in the exam room. Nancy examined her and decided to do xrays and blood work. Since they had to fit her in, it was going to be a few hours. We left her with them and went to have breakfast back at the house. They finally called about 12:30 and we went back over. Luckily we only live 5 minutes from them. Nancy took us back and showed us the xrays. This is one of the reasons I like her. She explained everything we were seeing. Everything on the xrays were fine. They did find some bacteria in her urine, so we are going on the premise of a kidney infection until the cultures come back next week. So armed with medicine and two different types of cat food we got to bring our baby back home. She has improved a little and actually ate some food. Hopefully she'll continue to improve.
Since I didn't get to go stitch with March, I called her and we decided to go to the
Woodlawn Needlework Show. There's so many beautiful pieces. My only complaint, and one I heard many others make, is that no where on the tag does it say who the designer of the piece is. We also got to meet Tanya Marie Anderson from
The Sampler Girl. She was set up in one of the upstairs rooms with Lucy Lyons Willis of
La Chatelaine Designs. Both ladies have some wonderful pieces. If you live anywhere near the Northern Virginia area, you need to go.
My, I think this is the longest post I have ever had! Have a good weekend everyone.