Friday, June 13, 2008

HAED SAL for June

Here's my before picture of Fantasies of the Sea for the HAED SAL. I didn't get to stitch on it at all today as I had to waste the morning at the government center dealing with real estate taxes. Then I went to work and was there until 3:30 pm. Then spent 20 minutes to go a mile and a half on the beltway. Love that metro traffic! Next we're going to Pennsylvania for Father's day and coming back Sunday night. That doesn't leave a whole lot of stitching time but I hope to get some done Monday after work. Happy Friday the 13th.


MarchAnn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MarchAnn said...

Sorry about that, I posted my comment without checking it first. It should have said:
WOW Jan you are really getting a lot done on that piece. I love it.

Anonymous said...

nice site!