Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Page 4 Done

I finished page 4 this past weekend and yes, I have started page 5.

 I really have been enjoying this one. I don't know if I will be able to finish this page as fast as I have the last two, but I'll give it a good try.
I made some great cookies this weekend. I made White Chocolate Chip and Cranberry cookies. Mmmmm. The first batch was a little dry, so I added some milk to the rest of the batter and that took care of the problem. I've been munching on them all weekend. Maybe I'll try something else this weekend. I've been bitten by the baking bug. Could be worse, huh?


Blu Stitcher said...

Your cookies sounds yummy, I will have to try making them.

MarchAnn said...

Wow great cookies and some wonderful stitcher way to go Jan

Karen said...

Nice progress on your WIP... your cookies sound yummy too!

happy stitching....

Teena in Toronto said...

Happy blogoversary :)

Sue said...

Woohoo, you are chugging right along on this one ;)

BeckySC said...

WOW!! This is going to be one amazing piece!