I stopped buying Vera Bradley when they moved their manufacturing to China. No offense to the Chinese, I just believe in supporting my country's businesses when possible. Quite frankly, the quality of the bags went way down. The stitching was not as good and the fabric wore through very quickly. So, when we were visiting in Roanoke a couple years ago my sisters and I went to this little gift store. We were lamenting about VB with one of the shop ladies and she showed us a new line of handbags. The maker was Stephanie Dawn. I bought a bag and a wallet. I have had this bag for two years. Just last month the magnetic clasp came off. So I emailed them about getting a replacement clasp, planning on putting it on myself. I received a very nice email from them stating they did not send out replacement parts, but to send the bag back to them and they would fix it or replace it. They included a FedEx RMA with the email. I sent it out on Monday. Tuesday I received an email saying they were shipping something to me. I got it today. A brand new bag replacing my old one. In this day and age it is so refreshing to have a company not only with goods made in America, but also with such fabulous customer service. I highly recommend them.
Isn't the fabric pretty? This is how the handbag comes. I couldn't be more pleased.
Thanks for stopping by.
Great story. I've never been a big VB fan but those are pretty. Worth checking out.
Thanks for the heads up on this. I know many VB fans who would be interested. Who ever hears of such great service these days!
Lovely bag and fabulous customer service! Thanks for sharing the product with us!
Robin in Virginia
Wow you wouldn't miss that bag! So vibrant and very pretty. Good to know of great customer service.
Great customer service! Thank you for sharing, I will have to check that out.
That's awesome! :)
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