Now, on an up note, I've almost finished the second row of FoS. I have three columns left, but I need to put it down because the next part of AW has come out and I want to keep up with it. Here is the latest pic of FoS.
We also went to see the new Wolverine movie. It was okay. The stunts were cool, but the story was slow. I was a big comic collector in my youth (made the down payment on the house when I sold my collection) and I had XMen number 1 on up, so I know all about them and they changed things around. Like Gambit comes in to the XMen verse much later than Wolverine. It was okay, but not as good as the others.
Thanks to everyone who visits my blog. I really appreciate it.
Oh well, my energy is flagging, so I'm going to go lay down now. See ya.
Your WIP is looking amazing!! What gorgeous work you do!! Sorry hubby decided to share the cold with you. I hope you both feel better soon!
Isn't it sad to lose another LNS? I don't look forward to the day we must shop only online because the LNS are all gone. I like to see and touch before I buy. :o(
Poor hunny, I hope your cold gets better fast. Spring colds are the worst!
I'm looking forward to seeing the new X-Men movie but I'll wait a bit until the theatres aren't so crowded!
Sorry to hear about the Scarlet Thread. I never shopped there, but it's never a good sign for us when an LNS closes.
Your piece looks beautiful. You really have stick-to-it-ive-ness!
Hope your cold doesn't last too long. Maybe no bronchitis this time!
My LNS closed last year and I only have internet stores now. I miss touching the charts, kits and threads ...
Hope you feel better with your cold ;-)
I love your WIP. The detail on the jellyfish is amazing.
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