Finally, it's time to rotate my HAED piece. This is how far I got on the Astronomer for the month.
Oh, now my horror story from last night. I was sitting on the couch and about 8 pm there was this loud boom and our lights went out. I just figured it was due to the 50 - 70 mph winds. Changed my mind when all the firetrucks, ambulance, and police came roaring down the street. Turns out some idiot took the turn too fast on the side street and slammed into a telephone pole. Knocked it completely down and across the road. Now, the speed limit is 25 mph. He had to really be flying to knock down the whole pole. Took out the power for half a block, including us. We piled the blankets on and went to bed about 10 pm. Woke up at 7 am to a freezing house. No heat, no hot water, no electricity. DH washed his hair in cold water and went to work. I said the heck with that. I waited until 9 and went over to the Hair Cuttery and had them wash and dry my hair, then I want on to work. Came home at 2 in the afternoon and we had our electric back. You don't realize how much you miss it until it's gone.
Well, that's it for now. Have a good weekend stitching.
Great job on all of your WIPs. You been doing some serious stitching with the HAED.
When the power goes out, I can live without the's the cable hat I just can't live without! Glad you had it back today.
Happy stitching this weekend.
You had an inspiring Stitch and Bitch! You made great progres on your projects!
I'm glad you got the electric back when you came home. No heat is terrible!
Wow you sure got a lot done at your Stitch and Bitch, all the pieces are lovely.
Glad you got your electrics back quickly, I went ten days recently with no living-room heater and it was a nightmare...
Woot, great progress on your WIPs!
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