Friday, October 10, 2008

No Stitching

I have just finished working two very long days and still have to work this weekend. I worked 13 hours Thursday and 14 hours tonight. They put in a new payroll system and everything has to be put in differently. I don't know who picked it, but they should be taken out and hung by their thumbs! It is so convoluted. I'll probably work 14 or more hours tomorrow and maybe Sunday also. I have no time for stitching! I also had a cold start this week and now it's moved to my chest. All I do is cough; so much that my head hurts. Do you have any idea how bad diabetic cough syrup taste!? It is worse than the regular stuff. The stupid thing is I could have turned down the hours, but I figured what the hey. Now I think I'm regretting saying yes. Oh well, enough of my belly aching, I'm off to bed.


Daffycat said...

Oh no! ***big hugs*** I hope you feel much better soon.

Michiko said...

Oh..I hope you get well soon.

Annie said...

Long hours, a cold and no stitching! So sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better soon and adjust to the new system.

staci said...

Oh, I do hope you feel better soon!!!

Annie Bee said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. Working all those hours probably doesn't help. (((hugs))