Fabric that is. I decided to try
Vonna's baste and bake method today. I've tea dyed before, but never tried the coffee. Since we are a caffeine free household, I had to go and buy coffee to use in our old Mr. Coffee. So, this morning I brewed up some very strong coffee and some tea and had at it. The first two I think have what I guess are burn marks of a type, but they look really cool and don't seem to affect the weave any.

I lowered the temperature on my oven and put the next ones on the upper rack.

These two are more how I wanted them. I can already think of a couple projects I want to use them for.
This last one was a true experiment. Some tea, light coffee, and dark green Rit dye. I like it! I'm going to have to try some more of that.

Here is a close up of it. The tea and coffee changed the dark green dye to more of a blue. There are some yellowish highlights too. Nice.
After all that I got a little stitching in and finished the latest LHN ornament "Red House in Winter". I used all the called for threads, but used a 32 count natural linen instead of the 30 count fabric it called for. I like how it turned out. Now I'm all caught up and waiting for the next one.