Monday, October 13, 2008

October HAED SAL

I finally got to stitch a little today. YAY! I'm only 58 stitches away from having page 9 done. I ended up doing 65.5 hours total last week. The paycheck will be good, though I am one whipped woman. Sam says to make sure I put a big chunk in my hobby fund. We both set up separate checking accounts from our joint account for our hobbies. Every week we have a set amount transferred to these accounts and we use them for our hobbies. It's a good way to control our spending. Neat, huh?

Thank you to everyone for you well wishes. I'm still coughing and probably will be for a few more weeks. The upside is Sam is doing some of my chores for me LOL.


Annie Bee said...

That is looking fabulous. When I first started reading I thought you meant you stitched 36.5 hrs.

Annie said...

That is so beautiful. It's fun to see the fruits of your labor. Nice that both you and DH each have hobbies so you understand the obsessions!

Hope you start feeling better soon. That sounds like one mean bad-boy cold!

Ginnie said...

This is looking great. Hope you get to spend some of your extra earnings on some fab stuff!

Angela said...

Very pretty, you are making good progress!