Sunday, May 30, 2010

Finished and Finished

Not only did I finish stitching on this last night, but I also finished putting it together today. That's pretty much a first for me. Most things go into "the drawer" to be finished at some later date. I really enjoy the LHN pieces. The stitch up pretty fast and are just so adorable.

Tomorrow our LNS InStitches is have a sale and March and I are going to go. I need to get fabric for the next LHN ornament "The Skater".

The DH and I went to a Civil War site today. We visited Ball's Bluff. It was humid, sticky, and hot, but in other ways totally enjoyable. We got some great pictures and we hiked down to the Potomac river. The hike down wasn't bad, it was the hike back up to the bluff. They had put flags and wreaths in the little cemetery. The plaque on the gate is quite lovely.

Well, I'm putting my feet up for the rest of the day . Have a good stitching weekend.


MarchAnn said...

I really like the finish Jan it looks great. It always feels so good to finish a piece dosen't it?
Gee like the gate plaque too you are right it is nice.

Melanie said...

Love it! It looks wonderful. :)

Ranae said...

Awesome LHN finish, I love it!