Sunday, October 26, 2014

OMG She's Posting!

I have been stitching, honest. So, my friend Minnie at All XXs was an evil enabler! She showed me the Joan Elliott Faces SAL and I was hooked. I have finished the border and just finished the first box. Here are my pictures.

There are already two more Faces to stitch so I have a lot of catching up to do.


MarchAnn said...
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MarchAnn said...

It looks great Jan. It was really great to see you all on Saturday. Sorry it wasn't longer. I will be stitching more often and will be watching your progress on this piece.

Rachel said...

This is gorgeous. Well done so far and good luck with catching up. :)

Manuela said...

It looks fantastic.

Greetings, Manuela

Annie said...

How pretty! I love Joan Elliott ladies!

Dani - tkdchick said...

That is going to be just spectacular!

Shebafudge said...

Beautiful! I am way behind on mine but am keeping all the charts to do next year. xx